CAGD 470

CAGD 470

    This semester in this class I was put on a great team as a 3D modeler and animator. I am on a team making a game called Archania with some great team members and I can't wait to see how this game turns out. We wasted no time into diving into our first sprint.

Sprint 1

     For sprint one I was assigned with making the item cards for the paper prototype and gathering reference art for our three types of enemies, melee, ranged and hybrid. I started by making the item cards for the paper prototype. I was tasked with making item that are spells/powers the player can use and other item cards such as health regeneration, revive, and damage boosts. 

    These were made and ready to be printed out for people to play. After this, I made my reference art sheet by gathering different images from google what our enemies could potentially look like. I went with a skeleton type enemy with different styles, bodies and heads. This concept was eventually changes a bit for the second sprint.

    Overall, I think my team and I had a great sprint, completing four cards, However, I do wish I could've gotten more done this sprint which is something I am going to improve on for next sprint.

Sprint 2

    For sprint two I was assigned with three cards; modeling the ranged enemy, melee enemy, and the hybrid enemy. I took me the entire sprint to make one model. I don't have much experience in character modeling so it took me a while. I used image references to get started.

    I started with what I felt like would take me the longest, the rib cage. I had to start all over 3 times. But I finally got it. Everything else wasn't that hard to model.

    I made the base model and I stretched the arms and legs out to make the ranged enemy so they can get the player from a longer distance. (picture above)
    From there I made the melee version of the enemy by getting the base model and adding two more arms.
    To make the hybrid, I once again lengthened the arms and legs and the first set of arms. I also added a second set of arms but I didn't extend them.
    Finally, I had to reduce the poly count on all of these models so I used the mesh reduce function the get all the models from 6K polys to around 1K and 2K polys. For the next sprint, I will be rigging these models for animation.

Sprint 3

    For sprint 3, I didn't get nearly as much done as I would've liked. I was able to complete the important part, which was modeling the hand for the player. I used reference images to model the hand and the arm.
*Concept art provided by 2D artist in team*

    I used cubes to model both pieces, the hand and the arm and I tried to go for the most low poly model I could get. Once I modeled it, I UVed it.

    From there I began my next task of rigging the skeleton enemies for animation later on in the production time line. I decided to work on all three of them at the same time so not to repeat the process over and over again since it does take a while. I also don't have much experience rigging so I am following tutorials online. I didn't get to finish because my models were not moving smoothly when I moved a body part of the model. I am still trying to find answers.

Sprint 4

    For this sprint, I was finally able to complete the rigging for all three models. I was able to fix the problem I was facing. I was bale to get the foot and knee to bend the right way when moving. From there, I made all of the control handles and modified them for each character. This may not seem like a lot but it did take a while to do it for all three. This was the only thing I was able to complete this sprint. For the next sprint, I will be making different animations for each character!

Sprint 5

    For Sprint 5, I was able to do all of the main animations for the enemy. I was able to do this using the the rigs I made for these enemies in the last two sprints. However, the rigs weren't as good as I wanted the to be, more specifically, in the elbows, they don't bend normally and I didn't catch it while I was rigging. However, do to time purposes, I couldn't go back to fix it for every model so I just worked around it.

    To make these animations I mostly used the hip and leg joints to move the character and all the other joints would follow along. I would grab the other joints and just put them in position where they needed to be. I also tried to give each enemy it's own unique animations for each of their animations based off of how they were modeled and to give them more of their own personality.

    The first enemy was the Ranged enemy, I made a walking and casting animation for this enemy since it will only be attacking the player from a distance. I gave this enemy more human like animations since it is the closets to a human.
Walking Animation
Casting Animation
    After that I worked on the Melee enemy. For this enemy I made a walking and attack animation since it will only attack the player up close. I gave this enemy more arachnid type animations to make him look scarier and use it's arms to it's advantage.
Walking Animation
Attack Animation
    Finally, I worked on the Hybrid enemy. I made a walking, casting and attack animation for this enemy since it will be able to attack the player from both at a distance and up close. I gave this enemy more wide and open animations because it is the tallest of the three enemies and I tried to use these animations as a size advantage so it's stance is more wide.
Walking Animation
Casting Animation
Attack Animation
    After completing these animations, I was assigned three more cards to make death animations for each enemy. These cards were carried over into the next sprint.


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