CAGD 320

Final Project Blacksmith Shop Scene
             For this assignment, we were tasked with setting up a blacksmith shop scene. We were given objects that were already modeled to chose from and we had to UV and texture them using May and Substance painter. Finally we had to take the scene into Unity and make the final render.
              My first step was to gather reference pictures for my scene and research what makes a blacksmith shop. This what I found.

               After gathering my reference pictures, I decided that I wanted to do a somewhat outdoor shop but that had the same qualities as a indoor shop. These picture also have a bevy of information in them about what makes a blacksmith shop.
Basic Concept
                I began to make a basic layout with primitive shapes. the first concept is just a basic blocked out scene with possible camera angles taken into consideration for the final image renders. It was hard to put most of the small details into the blocked out scene because I didn't know what went where, so I had a general idea of where I wanted the big things to go.

               After this, I decided to chose what objects to put into my scene and I got carried away and began to make another blocked out scene but the time very detailed and I took into consideration what goes where in terms of how I wanted it to look and how it might look in a real blacksmith shop. This is what I want my final scene to look like.

               It took my a while to place everything were it goes because I kept on looking at my image references to get a sense of what objects go next to each other.
List of Objects
               So my list of objects contains everything but a lantern which I still need to put in but Everything else is in there. The list consists of these following items in no particular order:

  • Furnace
  • Anvil
  • Anvil Stand
  • Table
  • Boxes
  • Fence
  • Wheel
  • Weapons (2 different types of swords, a hammer and a ax)

  • Wagon
  • Barrel
  • Weapon Rack
  • Roller
  • Bench
  • Bucket
  • Shop Roof

              After gathering my list of items, I began to think about the placement of the items again and what will be in the foreground and background. Here are some screen shoots I took to determine what I want to go where.

              I chose this placement because I want my scene to be both a blacksmith shop and a store as well. So all of the workshop items are more towards the back and in the front are the tables with the weapons on them, which are the weapon he has ready for sale. In the middle of the scene is more of a storage area with all the barrels and creates, which to me also serves as a sort of divider between the shop and the store.
              From this point on I began to UV all my items.
UV Process
             UVing for me took a while because I had trouble UVing the Wagon and the Barrel. I struggles with the wagon because of all of the plank UVs. There were so many UV shells that finding out which ones made the full plank took a while, then, having to stitch together all of the corresponding edges took a long time as well. I even had to restart the wagon because I could no longer move the UV shells in the UV editor for some reason. So I deleted the UVs and started again. The barrel was also tough but not as much. In order to solve UVing it, I just had to delete some unnecessary faces from the model to make better cuts which in turn lead to a better UV layout. 
            Other than that, everything else was relatively simple and I eventually had all of my UVs done. From this point on I arranged them by texel density. I made my four 2K maps, two 1K maps and three 512 maps. These are the following maps:
2K Maps

1K Maps
512 Maps

           After I got my UV sorted out. I began to texture in painter. I first started with my ground texture and the rest of the platform that the scene will stand on. This is one of the 2K maps.
         After that I did the rest of my texture maps by the texel density. I did have some trouble texturing because when I applied the material once, it wouldn't come out looking evenly distributed through out the entire model. So, in order to solve this, I had to apply the same material more than once, mask map the first material and adjust them both to look like one material. I also switched in between UV projection and Tri-planar projection in each object to see which one fit better. Some object are UV projected and some are Tri-planar projected.
2K Maps

1K Maps

512 Maps

Once I finished my texturing in Painter I exported my textures and moved into Unity.

I had a problem getting the HDRP scene to work with newest 2019.3.12f version of Unity, I imported the HDRP settings into the a regular scene but that didn't work. So, I tried using the 2019.3.7f and I was able to set up an HDRP scene from Unity Hub with no problem. Then I got to work. 

First I set up my HDRP scene in Unity and imported my Scene and my textures.
Having everything color coordinated really helped because each color represented a different material and Unity recognized that so when I applied the texture they would easily fit the model. Form there I began my post processing. I changed the lighting to make it night time, I added fog and I also added a forest background. Finally, I took my final screenshots in game mode.

Working on this final project was a blast and I had tons of fun along the way!

Assignment 3 and 4: Substance and Knife Re-topology
Substance Lantern:
              For this assignment we had to take an existing model of a lantern and an amp and texture them using substance painter. I started with the lantern, It was relatively to follow the tutorial and work on the lantern. We worked on one main part of the lantern and used that as a base texture for the rest of the lantern. This was the final result. 
These are all of the layers of texture on the lantern

           The amp was a but more difficult because it was my first time using the word stamp tool and getting all of the lettering and numbers in the correct places. In order to fix that, I made some changes to the brush size and aligned the words better. This was the final result.
These are all the layers of texture for the amp
Knife Re-topolgy
             For this assignment we were given three different knife models, each with close to a million quads. Our job was to re-make the model using geometry tools in Maya with a much lower poly count, 2,000 poly count per model to be exact.  These where the knives we received.

I had to re-make these knives with a 2,000 poly count for each knife. These were the results.

           After re-modeling them in Maya, I took each model into substance painter to texture it. After that I took each model into Unity and placed them next to each other and took screen shots of my final renders.

Assignment 1 and 2: Alchemist and Substance Designer

Our first assignment was a fun one for me because we got to make our own texture using pictures, we took in real life. We used Alchemist, Designer and Unity for this, starting with alchemist to make the picture into a texture and ending in Unity for the scene.

We took our pictures into Alchemist and made them into textures from there, we took them into designer and added the height, roughness, and ambient occlusion properties. 

I had some trouble getting the height to work in Designer, so I asked my professor for help and he showed me where to find the height slider in the general tab’s menu. It was also my first time using both Alchemist and Designer so the process of importing our texture from one program to the other was a cumbersome and took a while to get used to.

For the second assignment we focused more on Substance Designer and made four textures from scratch. These four textures where metal, bricks, wooden planks and a dirt texture. 

We learned what nodes where and some of the basic functions of main nodes that we commonly used through the process. We learned what a node map was and how to organize it so not to get your nodes mixed up. Here are the node maps for the four textures 

I did have some issues with this assignment because I was still learning the basics. I didn’t know how to easily find the slider in all the nodes which I learned to read the drop-down menu to make it easier for myself. Also, I had the same issue as the first assignment in which the height kept resetting every time, I would open the program. So, I had to reset the height every time.

             The purpose of these assignment was to teach us how to make our own texture from the beginning, using either one or several programs to do so. Also, how to switch back and forth from program to program in order to edit your texture they way you want it to look and how to finally apply it to your scene.

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