CAGD 373

Game Asset Production

Final Project: Game Scene

For our final project we were put into teams of four to create a game scene. We have to create a small game area where a player can walk around and complete an objective. We must have buildings, a set path, particle effects, an LOD model and main attraction piece for the scene. We have a max poly count of 500,000 tris for the whole scene. We had to choose out of three games, Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Spider-Man PS4 and the Witcher 3. My group and I decided to go with the Witcher 3 game and make a scene about that game. We decided to make a scene in which you play as blacksmith and have to collect tools ant water for your shop. The area of the game will be a town/city like area. So we began our research and planning by gathering references. The building references where gathered by my team member Chance

Sprint 1

I then drew up a concept map for our play area to give an overall idea of our world/environment.

I was in charge of making an annotated map for our blocked out scene. I took the screen shot my teammate took and annotated it.

This was later elaborated by my other teammate along with an asset list.
We also created an object list for assets and building we need in our game














Sharpening Wheel


1 story buildings

2 story buildings

3 story buildings

 We also set up our Trello board and filled it with our tasks for the whole project

Sprint 2

After gathering having everything set. I began to model my front and back walls for the three story buildings. I started and got two front pieces done but then I was forced to stop because my Maya UV unfold process would no longer working and I was not able to unfold my buildings. I looked into it and found out it had something to do with the plug-in sources code in the program and there was a certain variable missing. I tried refreshing the plugin. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Maya 2020. I tried getting into the source code for the plug-in and adding the variable in myself. I switched over to the legacy UV unfold plugin which is not a great UV unfolding tool. I Googled the problem to see how I could fix it. After many attempts, I decided to delete the program and download the previous year version, Maya 2019. So, sadly, I was not able to get anything done due to software issues. But I am currently working on it and hopefully Maya 2019 should not have this issue.
Sprint 3
For sprint 3, I feel as if I didn't get much work done. I think I could've done more but for reasons outside of this class, I had little time to work. But I did get done all of my front walls this sprint, I only have one left to make then I will start on my back walls. All modeled and UVed. I tried out many different designs of buildings based off of the references provided by my team member.
For sprint 4, I plan on getting a lot more done then I did this sprint.
Sprint 4
For sprint 4, I got my back walls, tunnels and trim pieces done.  I also UVed all of my front walls into one UV map. 

I had to make 4 backwalls instead of 2 because of how my front walls are set up. Both 6 unit and 8 unit front walls have an arches that the player can walk through. So I had to make a backwall for each one. I made a 6 unit wide back with and arch and an 8 unit wide back with an arch to correspond with the front walls. Then I had to make a 6 and 8 wide backwall without an arch to correspond for the front walls that don't have an arch.
I then made my tunnels that will go with the arch ways and put them in the same UV map as my back walls. I made two tunnels because of our wall sides that are 3 and 4 units in length. So, I made two tunnels, one 3 units in length and one 4 units in length.
Then I modeled my trim pieces for the transitions on walls and corners. I made two unique pieces for this scene. The first piece is more a corner piece fort he end of the buildings which will then transition to the side wall. But it can be used as a center transition piece. The second trim piece is two sided and can primarily be used as middle wall transition piece but may be used as an end transition piece as well. However, these trim pieces are not fully UVed yet.

Sprint 5
For sprint 5, I finished all of my modeling and UVing. I started out with my side walls. I made 4 different side walls.
From there, I did my doors and my windows. I made two of each that can go on my walls and/or my teammates walls.

Finally, I finished my roofs. I had to make more roofs than I thought to compensate for all of the possible combinations for each side wall, front and back.

After I finished all of my modeling, I put all of my object into two different 2k maps. The first map consisted of all of my front walls, back walls, tunnels and trim pieces.
My second 2k map consists of my side walls, windows, doors and roofs.
Sprint 6
For sprint 6 I started by starting to create the main piece for this game, the well. I did the main base building, the interior and the well itself.

After working on the well, I was tasked with making the terrain in the scene and I had the idea of doing a dirt ground and grassy mountains around the edge of the scene both for physical looks and to give the scene some physical boundaries. I also created the hill and the path to the well. I made a small dirt path the player can follow to get to the well.
From there, I began to make the three story buildings in the game. I bought in my textures and applied them to the objects and began to build. I made two rows of buildings in the scene.
Then, I was given the task of gathering all of our props in Maya and putting them all into a single UV map. So I gathered all of the props and did just that.
Then, I took all the props into painter and and textured them.
Final Work Post
For this final project, I was put into a group of four and we were tasked with creating a game scene from three games, one of them being the Witcher 3. We chose this game. We were tasked with creating an original game scene that someone can play in. We had to have a system in which the player collected items and brings them back to a certain place to win the game. It had to be in first person and working. Along with mechanics, we had to create models by modular modeling and have 3 different models. We also had to have a main attraction or center piece of our game. That piece had to be an LOD model in the game. However, we had a limit of 300,000 to 500,000 tris in our scene with all objects combined. We also had to add some effects and sounds such as opening doors, ambient sounds and particle effects. We also had to have baked lighting and post processing effects. On top of all of this, it had to all be organized.

Throughout the whole project, my team and I worked well together and had a great workflow. We got things done on time and gave each other updates. We communicated well and divided up work evenly. We also helped each other out when needed. The only thing I would say we needed to work on was our meetings. We were inconsistent in attending our meetings with people not being able to make it, this includes my self. So That would be my only con.

For this project I did a little bit of everything. I modeled, textured and set up the scene. I used the Maya 2019 to do all of my modeling of my three story buildings. I had to model front walls, side walls, back walls, windows, doors, trims, tunnels and roofs. Modeling was easy but UVing was a little hard because trying to get everything in a 0 to 1 space was a but difficult trying to make sure everything had the same texel density. I also helped model the well in the game.

I also did some texturing for all of my models and the props for the game using Painter.

Finally, I put everything in Unity and put all of my buildings together. I also added the terrain. Finally I did some post processing for the scene. 

After everything was done, as a team, we made sure everything was in and looking how we wanted it to. We took a few final screen shots and filmed a little walk around video for you all to enjoy. We also added in our presentation that represents the work we each did.

Walkthrough Video Link
Presentation Link

Assignment: Micro Scene Towers

For this assignment, we were tasked with making three towers for a tower defense game scene. They each needed to have the same base but three different top parts. We had to make a low poly model and a high poly model of each tower with the low poly with the tri limit of  2,500 and the high poly with a tri limit of 5,000. Then we had to make 4 different assets for the scene. A new thing we learned and implemented into this assignment was LOD models, which I will explain later in the post.

So first I started gathering my reference images to get ideas of the towers I wanted to build. I found these.

I decided to make the base of the middle tower in the second picture and then choose three different toppers from the towers above and model those. So I began my work in Maya.

I began to model in Maya and it was relatively fast, only taking two days. At the time I wasn't having any trouble at all. However, my low poly models were really low, less than half the high poly models. I modeled them and UVed them and this is how they turned out.

After I modeled and UVed all my objects. I made the LOD groups. An LOD group is a group of the same object but each has a lower poly count then the other. When you combine them, it will make it so that the lower poly will show when the camera is the furthest and as it gets closer, the high poly models begin to appear.

Once I finished creating my LOD groups for each tower. I exported the high poly towers and assets to Painter to be textured and then I exported all of the tower LOD groups straight to Unity.

I opened up painter and began to texture. We did have to bake our lighting for our scene while texturing in Painter so I did that by adding a baked light filter on top all the other textures. And we had to export only the base color which contained all of the other information.

After finishing my texturing, I moved on to Unity.

In Unity, Everything went fine, I was able to import my towers without a problem. I created the LOD group in Unity as well by adding the LOD component to each tower. Then, as I was applying my textures. I noticed that the top of my tower UVs from Maya were not UVed. This lead to the textures being in a weird layout. So, I made the toppers a bit bigger to cover it up as much as I could. Once, I did that then I began to add my terrain. Here is the finished product.

Assignment: Sci-Fi Hallway

 For this assignment, we were tasked with creating a sci-fi hallway of our choosing, which meant we could make it our own. We did have to have certain things in there such a two particle effects, lighting emissive, and animated door, baked lighting, and another animated object. We also had a tri count of 50,000 and had to have three unique walls, two unique roofs, two unique turn sections, 5 floaters and two trim pieces. First we had to gather references. So In went on Google and searched for hallways. These are the pictures I decided to reference.

Once I gathered my references, I began to model in Maya. My modeling process was relatively quick and I was lucky enough to not have any issues while modeling and UVing in Maya. I then UVed all of my models.

I group all of the object that were in the same UV map and gave it each it's own color material to make it easier to import into Unity and texture in Substance Painter

Once I finished in Maya, I began my work in Substance Painter. I exported my groups from Maya as object files and imported them in to Substance. But before doing that. I placed all my floaters in Maya on top of my models in order to bake them into the models properly. I also exported my floaters as a separate group. However, they did not need to be UVed. Once I brought in my objects, I began to texture. I had some trouble baking my floaters on to my objects at first but after tinkering with some of the baking options, I was able to have them bake better. I also exported my floaters as a separate group but they did not need to be UVed. Here are my finished textures.

After I textured in Painter, I exported my textures into my Unity scene along with my objects and I began to set up my scene and add the final touches. however, in Unity is where I had all of my problems. First, one of my turn sections imported with no walls, just the pieces. Also, one of my floor pieces was missing the bottom half of the floor. In order to fix this, I improvised and used Unity planes to cover those areas and they actually blended in well with the rest of the scene. My next problem was the first person controller. When I imported it and played the game scene, the character was too small of the scene and moved super slow. So I tried to make the controller bigger but that didn't work. my resolution was to make my scene smaller and this made the character walk at a normal pace. After solving that, I implemented my animations, particle effects, door animations, and lighting in. Here is some pictures of my final scene. I tired to upload a video as well but the format was not compatible.


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