CAGD 117

Storyboard and Concept Design

Assignment 1 and 2: Silhouettes
Assignment 1
For this assignment we were given three different topics to choose from, air, land or water creatures. We had to choose one and make all new original silhouettes of characters we thought would fit the criteria using our imagination and combining multiple things to create one character. I choose air creatures and began my research on all different types of birds, planes and things that fly. I compiled a reference sheet and got to work.
I also steered away from pure flight and used some of my favorite characters as inspiration such as Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, and Spider-man. Using this reference page I began to take pieces of each and starting making the first 20 silhouettes!
Assignment 2
From there I was told to pick my favorite six from the 20 and redraw them with more detail, I had a hard time picking because I really liked all of them. But, after some tough decision making, I choose my six and redrew them.
These were my final six drawing that I chose and turned in!

Assignment 3: Color and Lighting
For this assignment, we had to choose line art from one of our favorite characters, preferably human, and given them an evil and good color scheme along with lighting to compliment the color scheme. I choose Aloy from Zero Dawn horizon because that game is one of my favorite games and Aloy is a great protagonists for that game. I began to gather my references of Aloy and other things such as colors that represent certain moods, evil and good characters, and different types of lighting.

Bad Character Reference Sheet

Good Character Reference Sheet

Aloy References and Lighting

Line Art

From here I began to add color and did five different color schemes for the good and the bad character.

Bad Character Color Swatch

Good Character Color Swatch

Then, I choose my favorite color swatch from each and added lighting to each.

Good Character
For my good character I decided to go with these color because they represented character traits such as brave, confidence, smart, strong, and leadership. I decide to go for more of a softer light coming in from the right side because I didn't want hard shadows as the light moved across the figure. This was the final color swatch I choose for the good character.
Bad Character
This is the color swatch I decided to use for the evil character because the colors I used represented evil, greed, witty, backstabbing, and nefarious. for the lighting I tried to go for a center light that runs vertically through the center of the character then fades out to the sides. However, I kind of had trouble really interpreting that in the picture so it ended up looking like more like multiple small sources of vertical lights shining on the character and spreading out.  
Assignment 4: Story Character Concept Design
For this assignment we were put into groups of three to four people and we had to come up with four original character for an original story we would create. Each character had to play a role of one of the many character roles in a movie such as the protagonist, antagonist, trickster, mentor and so on. We had to create a character for each, a background for each character and a world they that the movie took place in.

The name of our group was called "Magic Free-ks" and our world was a world in which magic was banned because of an accident that was caused when a group of rogue magic users were using magic carelessly and split the city in half, causing it to fall into the newly opened crevasse. The story tkes place in the city of New Azuros where everyone who uses magic is being put in jail as a safety measure to control the magic. However, there is a small group of people who are trying to bring the use of magic back and teach people how to use it safely. I will now introduce each character starting off with the character I created, Eldrin, the antagonist.

Eldrin the Goblin


Aiden The Hero


Elvin Watergrass

The Mentor

Koya the Dyrad

The Shapeshifter

Elvin, Aiden and Koya where made by my partners and I made the Eldrin the antagonist. I will now break down the process of how Eldrin was made.

Eldrin Inspiration
When I thought of Eldrin as an antagonist I thought of a bounty hunter right of the back because he was gathering up everyone who uses magic and putting them in prison. So I got inspiration from dog the bounty hunter, assassins creed, and bounty hunters from other games. The clothes was an inspiration from assassins creed, dog the bounty hunter and army attire. I wanted Eldrin to be a goblin but a tall one non the less. since the character had to be original, I used busts of goblin heads and bodies of other goblins from games, shows and more.
Reference Sheet
My next step was to create the line art and choose a color swatch for the character. After making my line art I did five different color swatches for the character to see which one liked best. I also had to make five different facial expressions for the character. In order to do that I took pictures of myself and used those pictures as reference for the facial expressions.
I also experimented with silhouettes to test out different body builds for Eldrin to see which one I liked the most.

Color Swatches
The colors I used were based off of Eldrin's character traits cruel, persistent, strategic and fatalistic.
Facial Expressions

Final Character
I decided to go for a dark light source coming in from the right side for the final character scene.
Assignment 5: Film to Storyboard
For this assignment I had to take a movie film that I liked, take at least 18 different angled shots from the movie and redraw them from a different angle. I chose the movie, Never Back Down. I used different shot angles such as full shot, full mid shot, birds eye view and more. I was not able to finish the assignment in its entirety because I was not able to add lighting and shadow to each scene. Also, I was not able to correctly able each shot.

Assignment 6: Script to Storyboard
For this assignment, I had to take a script from one of my favorite movies and create at least 12 original angles using only the script. I had to read the script, visualize what was going on and make my angles based off of that. For this assignment I chose the 2002 Spider-Man movie. I wanted to make the scene in which Peter Parker tests out his new powers in a wrestling tournament and wrestles Bonesaw. These were the angles I created. 

Assignment 7: Animatic
For this assignment, our final assignment, we had to take one of our two previous storyboards and animate it. I decided to go with my Spider-Man fight scene storyboard because I like that movie more. I took the storyboard and animated it in Photoshop. I had an easy time animating because Photoshop has similar animating tools as After Effects which I know how to use, so I learned how to do some basic animation quickly. However, I didn't realize that in the previous assignment I had used a script that was not the final script. As a result, when I was adding the movie audio into the animatic, some of my scene didn't match up with the audio file, especially the ending. However, that didn't deter me, I continued with the assignment as is because I was really proud of the was it turned out and I thought it made my work original because I had made original scenes to the movie script that were never originally used. I thought that was cool.

I couldn't upload the video to this blog site so here is the YouTube video link

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