CAGD 230

Assignment 1 Primitives Scene

Objective of assignment: The object of this assignment was to make a scene in Maya using only primitive objects in which we could only alter the size and, width and length of the object.

I stuck with the first idea that came to my head which was a suburban street block filled with identical houses because I was always somewhat fascinated and hated the idea of living in an area were all the houses look exactly the same. But, I've always wanted to try and make my own version of it digitally just to see if how it would work out and look. So I envisioned this block of clone houses surrounded by mountains to kind of set this peaceful vibe to it and to make it seem more like a close community that's not to far from city life.

I immediately got to work on my idea and began looking for image references, I looked specifically for simple house designs not because I didn't want a challenge but because I really wanted to capture the essence of a suburbia in which the houses have simple designs. I came across this image and decided that it would be perfect with just a few modifications and simplification.
   Using this image I simplified the design even more and this was my finished product.
From there, I began to add color texture to the house and began the duplication process, made a road and side walk to end up with this.....

My next step was to add all of the outside visuals such as a fence separating each house, a drive way, a garage for each house, a patch of grass for a front lawn and a tree. Then I decided to add a mail box to each house. so I modeled that using this image reference.

 Sadly, I don't have a screen shot of the finished product.

Once I had the scene set up for one house I duplicated it for the other houses. Although, due to space constraints I had to reduce some of the lawn sizes so if you look closely at the final screenshots you may be able to notice some difference in the lawn sizes. After all of the duplicating, color texturing, and scene set up, this was my final street set up.
After I had finished with most of the scene set up, I began with some pre-camera work and began to set up a camera to get an idea of one of the three views I wanted to capture. Although, I realized that I would need a background and that the camera angle I had was showing some of the gray space in the near and far corners of the camera. In order to fix the gray spots I extended the street and added more houses.I had  some trouble finding a background. I experimented with some image based mountain backgrounds but didn't like the way they turned out and how the camera captured them. So, I just decide to make the mountains on my own. So after making some mountains and extending the block with more houses, my new scene looked even better than I had ever imagined.
I eventually covered that blank side with more mountains because one of my camera shots was going to face that way.
Once I had my final scene set up, I began to work on lighting and my other two camera angles. For the lighting, my vision was to have this early morning sky to reflect when the sun is barely rising in the morning and I wanted a light source to represent the sun just coming up form under the mountains and in between them. I added a directional light to represent the sun and placed it in between two mountains then I added a sky light to represent the early morning sky. After playing a bit with the intensity, exposure, volume and color of the light, I got my perfect lighting.
 Finally I set up my camera to the other two angles and rendered out my scene. The image above is one of the three but I will put all three together below this text.

Overall, I was more than content with my work and it turned out better than I ever expected it to be. I am very happy with it!

Assignment 2 Marker
The objective of this assignment was to model a colored marker using primitive objects and as assortment of tools. First we gathered our reference sheet. Then, texture it using proper UV texture techniques.
Once we did that, we began modeling. We used cylinders for the most pert of the marker. We shaped it using the insert edge loop tool, inserting edge loops into the geometry and using the scale and move commands to get the shape we wanted. we used a sphere and cut it in half to make the tip of the marker and we used the extrude command to get the indents in the marker cap. After shaping the marker we than began to texture by taking it into the UV editor. We took each individual piece and UV mapped it to make sure the texture came across evenly and smoothly throughout the entire marker. It looked a little something like this.

we than took the image into Photoshop and added the color and our names on to the marker, saved it as a jpeg and took that jpeg back into Maya.

 We added the image back on the marker as a texture file and we had our marker at last. finally, we added a backdrop to show shadows, set up our scene and rendered two images.

Assignment 3 Table_Couch
The objective for this assignment was to model, UV, texture, light and render a scene consisting of a table and a couch. We worked off of reference images for both the table and the couch.
I began by modeling both the table and the couch using primitive shapes. I used modeling tools such as the extrude tool, bevel tool to give the table and couch pillows some better geometry, add edge loop tool, and the cut edge tool. After some work, this was how my scene looked

I than began to UV each object and make sure it was ready for texture to be placed on.

After that, I took a UV snap shot of both objects and took them into Photoshop to apply the texture.
After applying the texture I saved each texture as a jpeg and took it back into Maya and applied each texture to the corresponding object. Then, I added both a directional light and a box light to give my scene some light. I added a plane and used it as a floor for the objects. I set up my camera and took my final renders.

Assignment 4 Dinner Prep
The objective of this assignment is to create a simple dinner preparation scene consisting of a wine  bottle, pasta sauce jar and a pasta box. These where the image references we used

We started off modeling the pasta box first, we imported an image plane with the material on it and shaped the image plane using various modeling tools into the pasta box. This made the UV process very easy.
After we finished the pasta box, I proceeded to work on the wine bottle. The wine bottle geometry shape was already given to us so we just had to texture it.

After I completed the wine bottle. I proceeded to work on what I thought was the hardest object to model, the pasta sauce jar. The modeling and UV process was difficult. I had to create two separate jars, one that had a glass texture which was the jar itself and one that was going to be the pasta sauce texture itself. Then I had to model the lid as well.

 Then I had to select individual faces from the glass texture to map out for the label of the pasta sauce jar and texture the lid. One I did that I took a UV snap shot of everything, took that into Photoshop and applied the texture to it all.
Finally, after I put texture on everything, sized it all to scale, played with my background scene and my lighting. I set up my scene and took my final renders.

Assignment 5 Grocery Shelf
The purpose for this assignment was create an entire grocery shelf that consists of four glass items, six box/ cardboard items, and one plastic item. I had to make my own shelf along with it as well. My first step to success was to model, UV and texture my shelf. I used a previous texture for my shelf. 
Once I completed my shelf I began  to work on my jars. For this assignment I also re-used the pasta sauce jar from the previous assignment along with a new strawberry jelly jar, mayonnaise jar and peanut butter jar. I re-used the same UV snapshot and just applied the new textures, saved the image texture under a new name and a separate file so that way it can be its own texture image and not affect the previous texture when applying it to the new texture.

Once I finished my Jars, I moved on to my boxed items. I did the same process that I did for the jars. I took the original UV snap shot for the pasta box object, applied the new material and re saved it as new material to not effect the last one. 

Once I finished my boxed items, I started on my one plastic. I had to make a polygon shape specifically for this object because I wanted to give it more of a geometrical look to what I was trying to texture. I decided to make an Oreo's cookie package.
Finally, I set up my lighting, played with the light setting and render setting to try to reduce all the noise I could and I added in a sky light so they way my background wouldn't be so empty. These were my final renders.

Assignment 6 Living Room
Week 1
For this assignment, we were tasked with creating an entire living room, which I found very exciting! Although, at first, I didn't know what to do or have an initial idea what type of living room I wanted to design. So, I went on google and searched up different living room designs. After a few minutes of endless scrolling, I found the one and I was actually able to find two image references for it! here they are! My plan is to make a very rich lawyer's living room.

I am basically using these two images as a reference because I really like the design but I'm going to change up, replace, subtract and add a few things. For the mean time, I made a basic block out of how the scene could look and where things may potentially go.

Week 2
I began to model my living room and adding more detail to the shelves and more at this point I was still in the beginning point of my modeling so I hadn't had a lot done yet. I also was taking my UV snapshots after I created a piece of geometry to save for later because my plan was to model everything first and then texture it later so I wouldn't have to keep on switch back and forth between Maya and Photoshop. Here is what I had done at this point. 

Week 3
At this point I'm basically almost done with my modeling and starting to put in some texture but nothing major. I finished all of the major modeling and just need to add about 3 more items and I should be able to start texturing and then set up my lighting.
Week 4
For Week four, I finally completed my all of my modeling and began to place texture on my UVs.
                                             Couch                                                Shelves
                                          Bowling Lane                                      Carpet
                                           Couch Legs                                          Couch
                                             Fire Place                                           Fish Bowl
                                           Money Stacks                                        Orange Juice
                                                  Table                                           TV Stand

Shelves                                               Laptop
Once I Placed Textures on all of my UVs, I went back into Maya and began to place the textures into my scene. I also law added books on the big book shelf.
Week 5
For week five I finished up my living room scene by adding lighting and shadows. Finally I did my final three different renders. I did three beauty renders and three Ambient Occlusion renders, took both into Photoshop and combined them.

Beauty and AO Renders

Final Renders

Assignment 7: Game Scene Final Assignment
Week 1: Choosing Teams, Game, Gathering References and Blocking Out Scene

For this assignment we choose our own groups of 3 to 4 people and we had to choose from 3 of the listed games and make a scene from the game. We would model and UV in Maya our building and/or props and we would then take it into Unity to texture and set the scene up. My group and I decided to go with the Witcher 3 game and make a scene from that. We decided to make a farm scene that consisted of a house, a watermill and a black smith shop. This means that the owner of this farm is both a farmer and a blacksmith. I was tasked with  making a house and after a brief search of houses in the came a came across what I felt like was a perfect house for the scene.
After consulting my group members to see if they liked the design I was going towards, which they did, I began to pick out the different pieces of the house I needed to model individually and began with a basic block out of my scene.
From there I began to model and was able to finish two pieces of the scene, the side brick walls and the wall with the window.
The neat thing about modular modeling is that you only have to model one piece of a scene and you can reuse it in another place in the scene if it is exactly the same. For example, my house has multiple windows, so with modular modeling, I only have to model one wall with a window on a plane and I can duplicate it to reuse it for the other walls with windows.

Another thing I am using when modeling is a human figure for scaling purposes. I used one of the already made human models Maya has and am using it to scale my building correctly.
Week 2

This week was focused all on modeling my house for the group project. I was able to model most of the house by now, just have a few pieces left for the roof that shouldn't take me much time to complete.

I also started thinking about my UVs and I took a screen shot of what I had UVed so far. However it looks like a mess and it's all together. I will have my actual UV maps done by next week.

Week 3
I have finished my modeling and have finished my UVs and my texture maps by this point. I am currently texturing just one small item and I will be ready to take my model in Unity.
I even decided to test out my textures in Maya to see if everything was fitting correctly and to my surprise, it was! I was so excited!

Week 4
For week four my partners and I put all of our building into our Unity Scene. We created an environment we thought was fit for our buildings. This consisted of a an island surrounded by mountains in the middle of nowhere. Between the mountains and the island there is a small pond of water that the windmill uses and recycles for energy. The mountains are covered with tress and bushes as well as the island. We also added more light because we thought it was too dark. We arranged our buildings right next to each other and took our final screen shots.

Overall we were very happy with the way our scene turned out and we had a blast making this project!

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